2024 Lawrence Ingram Keele BIA Annual General Meeting
You are invited to register for our Annual General Meeting, which will be held online via Zoom, Thursday November 21st at 5pm.
Who should attend? Every business and commercial property owner within the boundaries of Lawrence Ingram Keele Business Improvement Area (BIA) is automatically a member of our not-for-profit organization and is encouraged to attend.
Purpose of the meeting: To approve the BIA’s program and budget for 2025. This program is paid for by a special levy charged to you as well as other commercial and industrial property owners, and non-residential tenants of such properties. The best way to participate in the decisions your BIA is making on your behalf is to get involved. A copy of the complete proposed budget and audited financial statements will be available to you upon pre-registration.
To attend, pre-registration is required. Deadline to pre-register: Friday November 15, 2024 at 5pm. To register, please contact the BIA at info.likebia@gmail.com.